And then there were four.
Introducing a very exhausted VIP, resting after kicking his way out Chuck Norris style. |
Though we are a little more experienced in the ways of birthing babies, this time started out similar to last time with a doctor telling us we had to deliver early for the safety of the baby. We decided to push it to the last possible minute (Friday night), so we had a day to do the really important things, like putting together a hospital bag, and taking a family trip to Travel Town.
MVP still has Mom's full attention. |
Whooo-whooooo! |
Then it was off to the hospital to make another one. Labor and delivery went smoothly and quickly. Baby was anxious to join the world, and we could actually feel him kicking during the delivery itself. At 5:28 AM on Sat, 9/29, our family unit increased in number by one third.
Many many people have been hounding us to give the baby a name with initials as auspicious as MVP (which to be clear, were a fortuitous accident), and baby, we delivered. Meet Voldemort Imhotep P*******, who shall be known on this blog as VIP.
As is tradition in our family, VIP presented with some grunting, leading to a series of events that culminated in him being admitted to the NICU. He is now being treated for pneumonia and a possible infection, but is doing very well. He will be spending at least 8 days in the NICU, receiving top notch care and the world's most expensive baby sitting. Though this is still officially a "surprise" (both times the odds of such an outcome were presented to us as less than 5%), we've learned to prepare to be in the 1% in all matters non-financial and we took it in stride.
He is currently on a course of antibiotics to treat what appears to be a lung infection he developed in-utero, and a touch of pneumonia. He is also on a feeding tube because his difficulty breathing makes feeding a challenge. He is having none of the digestion issues his brother had, so once the breathing clears up he should be able to breastfeed normally.
Unfortunately, that means MVP has not had a chance to meet his baby brother, though he has been excited to look at pictures. And he was especially excited to receive a gift from his new baby brother:
Spoiler: It's a scooter. |
Of course, you're really here for the pics, so here are a couple from earlier today.
And because we comply with the Federation of International Blogging Standards (FIBS) guidelines, which requires that all posts in Sep/Oct of 2012 contain at least one "Gangnam Style" reference:
Heeeeeey, sexy baby.