But per the husband, how can you love someone you haven't met? At least that's his reason for saying he doesn't love baby DJ whereas I clearly love DJ. I have done a lot of things in the past 8 months that I don't think I would have ever gotten around to had it not been for this preggers status. And now I've submitted to one of the biggest sacrifices that it makes me want to cry. Yes I know you will mock me but I don't care. On the eve of 12/3/09, I went from having 2 giftwrap storage containers to only 1, so that my baby (that would be DJ, not Jemifus) could have closet space for all his crappola. I did take a picture of the sacrificial storage container so that I could at least have some physical memory of the time when I had 1 container for just Christmas wrap and 1 container for all-purpose wrap.

I hope the sacrificial container goes to a good home...Goodwill, please don't let me down.
Oh! Can I have the extra container please? Then you can always come and visit it. Jorge thinks I have too much wrapping paper.
Can I have it?
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